Eden Rock & COVID-19:FAQs
Eden Rock & COVID-19 FAQs
UPDATED - 13.12.21
• Whats changed?
As it stands we don't feel like anything should change. So are sticking to our previous rules (below), such as our regular cleaning schedule, screens around the till area and encouraging the use of face masks.
• Do I need to wear a mask?
Yes we encourage all customers to please wear a mask when using the centre. You can drop your mask when physically climbing.
• How is Eden Rock managing social distancing?
We will be managing social distancing in ways you’ll no doubt already be familiar with. This includes markings on the ground to assist with queue spacing, arrows to indicate the direction or travel around the centre, screens between customers and reception staff, a one way system for entry and exit as well as managing capacity for the centre as a whole.
• How has Eden Rock adapted it’s cleaning policies in response to COVID?
We will continue to carry out daily cleaning of the centre, however we will clean high traffic areas and door handles/push plates on a more regular basis throughout the day.
Our expectation is however, that customers will be responsible for their own hygiene whilst using the centre. This includes but is not limited to: use of the provided hand sanitiser on entry and exit, as well as throughout your session. We also ask that customers wipe down gym equipment after use with the spray and paper towels provided.
• How is Eden Rock’s capacity being decided?
We are basing our capacity on the guidance of the Association of British Climbing Walls. The capacity is currently based on an area of 9msq per person, however we have been conservative with our capacity in order to allow for plenty of space for everyone using the centre.
Certain areas of the wall such as the gym, kids room and training areas have additional signage indicating maximum occupancy at any one time and we ask that you adhere to these.
• Can I still just turn up to climb at any time?
Yes! You don’t need to book, however we’d recommend checking our live capacity feed for up to date info on how many people are in the wall. If we’re full, you may have to wait.
• Can I bring my kids or guests? What about dogs?
Yes members will be allowed to sign in and supervise up to two guests. This means that kids and inexperienced climbers may now use the centre provided that they are accompanied (and supervised) by an experienced member, and yes dogs are now allowed.
• I’m worried about climbing when it’s busy - is there a quieter time of day?
Generally our walls are quietest between opening and 2pm, so if you can, please come climbing during the day. Check the current capacity on the website if you’d like to get an idea of how many people are in before you visit.
• Are toilets and changing rooms open as normal?
Our toilets, changing rooms and shower are now all open, but will be one in, one out in order to assist with social distancing.
• Do I have to use liquid chalk?
Yes - please use liquid chalk instead of loose chalk. Not only will this make the centre a less dusty environment, liquid chalk with a high alcohol content (available in centre) may act as a ‘back-up’ to regular hand washing/sanitiser.
• Can I still buy food and drink at Eden Rock?
Yes our full menu back up and running. Please bring your own (full) water bottles though as we are still not able to refill customer’s drink containers.
• How will you deal with lost property?
Any lost property items will be stored in quarantine for 72hrs before it can be collected by customers.
• I want to try something on in the shop - can I do that?
Yes you can just ask a member of staff when you do.
• Can external instructors/coaches bring groups?
Yes you can indeed but please contact us first.
• Do you have a system in place to assist with ‘Test and Trace’?
We are required to keep a record of who climbed at the centre and when, so that in the event of a positive COVID test, we can assist the relevant authorities in contacting anyone who may be affected.
If you have any questions which are not answered above or on our COVID Customer Information post please feel free to contact us and we'll do our best to help!